The tips, tricks, ideas, styles and fun times of making indie comic books. Then we review it up with 2 sick comics, The Maroon 15, Project Saviour 5 and Volume 2 of Dead Ronin. Yeah buddy!!!
Nothing but good times, so grab these books and help out the little guys and gals of the indie world.
The Maroon 15 -
Project Saviour 5 -
Dead Ronin -
Then you can always grab our books as well and support our cause at Comixology.
Pizza Boyz –
Project Saviour -
Indie Comix Club Podcast is Spencer Scott Holmes and Craig Johnson - 2019
Help spread the Indie Love by grabbing these and other fine comics.
Then read em, review em and share to all you know. Also, give us a follow and/or shoutout on Twitter and Instagram, @IndieComixClub too.
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.