Listening to this, you've got some good writing ideas that are being held back a lot, I feel, by instrumentation. Those trumpets tend to bleed into one another. I would use a different synth say from a commodore 64 emulator, SQ8L synth, or maybe psymon. Particularly glaring is the overtone harmonic guitar and banjos.
The mix is out of balance, with bass hidden in the mix, hihat at times overpowering instruments on quieter sections like with the bass. The trumpets covering each other up. I would probably choose a different instrument for chords there just based on how muddy they tend to sound and trying to keep the texture varied.
The electric guitars at the end are still out of tune somehow. I don't know what's going on there really.
Rhythmically, the piece is pretty well written, but I would put my focus on structure and phrasing. There are some parts where it sounds just really busy for no apparent reason other than to be busy, with contrasting parts, particularly the outro, and I'm not sure where you want my attention to go. That's probably my main issue with the song actually, forgetting even clashing keys at one point and mix issues. I would recommend some laid back study of lead writing say from Signals Music Studios or Holistic Songwriting on YT. I used to have the same problem as you back in the day -- if you listen to my work from say 2017 and earlier, writing a ton of really complicated parts for no reason other than maybe cool points tbh. Watching their material helped me grow as a composer. And if there's hope for me, there's destiny for other folks like you out there -- because I was awful.
But no matter what, keep following your craft. Three years in the making, and still going -- don't ever let your memes be dreams. The more you do, the more you learn, the more you know, and the more you grow :)
Thanks for coming out to NGUAC!