I'm curious about your thought process behind this piece. What were you thinking as you were making this? I suggest putting that in your description. The reason is, knowing your thought process could allow me to give better feedback and a more accurate rating. In all likelihood it will also give me the opportunity to judge based on how clearly your intent came through in this piece rather than judging based on how much I liked it.
I will say that although I kind of like the piece, the compression is too high for my liking, the end seems to cut off prematurely, and there are things about the submission that don't make sense to me.
For example:
The title is currently "Diamond Dust". I'm not sure where that title came from, or why you chose it.
Without knowing the information on your thought process or the intent behind the decisions you made, It's impossible for me to know if, for example, you mixed the piece the way you did on purpose, or you picked the title because it had some deep meaning to you rather than choosing it arbitrarily; out of thin air.
I hope you find this review helpful. :)
More info about how I review music here: https://codefreq.newgrounds.com/news/post/1089806