Feels like these are coming out faster and faster... hard to keep up! Also GoodL is it my imagination or are you feeling a bit stressed with these recordings lately? Always moving onto the next segment of the show. I wouldn't have minded more talk on COPPA too, what affects YT affects us too after all. Heard about their new clause with removing unprofitable accounts as well, and Twitter's on removing inactive ones. Interesting times... these platforms that for a while seemed to be eternal are suddenly not as stable as they seemed to be.
Pornhub not being a direct competitor to NG if it doesn't serve/focus on animated content: good point. NG has its niche after all, and even though the larger part of users seem to levitate towards whichever platform has the largest userbase/reach, mixture of content forms or animated forms a minority as may be, it feels like NG manages to catch a fair portion of the real talent. Now that Flash isn't the stereotype anymore it feels like people are starting to appreciate the perseverance factor of this place too, and maybe that's what we'll really get known for. The site that stands the test of time while all others fail, fall or falter.I'm pretty hopeful about our place in the game lately, so maybe a few larger YT-like players, partial competition though they may be, wouldn't be all bad either... and they could catch more of the less desirable/non-profitable stuff.
But in regards to NG focusing on live action too: not sure we'd have the bandwidth. I wonder if the support would scale to match the increase in content if we allow content forms that are just so much easier to make. Video. Nobody seems to really be making a profit hosting that, and the giants all own their own server farms too.
Pretty awesome y'all found Kor-Rune - that guy's been around forever, and The Game of Life is a boardgame too y'know. ;) It's pretty fun.
Good talk! Just a little quick on the important bits, and no Hitchhiker's Guide to The Galaxy references? Man...those could've been perfect with this one. Looking forward the next, and how this COPPA thing really changes things. New users definitely be coming in.