I like the rhythm of the kick at the beginning, although you might’ve needed a smoother transition into :12. The piano chords also sound a bit crunchy - you might want to open up the sound a bit by spacing the notes wider. The instrument itself is also pretty inauthentic. The melodies at :36 are nice, although the underlying chord progression is a bit cliche. I like the mysterious vibe at 1:14 and the filtering work at 1:23. The transition at 1:48 might’ve needed to be a bit more gradual, but I like the emotional appeal there and the structural contrast you provided with the decrease in energy. The melodic content in this piece is great, but sometimes the arrangement of the sections feels a bit formulaic and square. Major changes to the texture almost always occur after 16-bar phrases, and there isn’t a ton of variety in the energy level or dynamics over the course of the piece. The drum beat also could’ve been more creative at some point to make up for the square rhythm of the melodies. That said, I like the more mellow outro. The reverse crash at the end (and throughout this piece) seemed like a bit of a Band-Aid attempt to smooth over some otherwise abrupt transitions. Still, I’ve been tough on you in this review. The harmonic content, energy, mixing, and mood are all enjoyable here. Keep at it, RabidAutopsy! :)
Mixing, mastering, and balance
Structure, transitions, phrasing, and variety
Melody, tonality, harmony, and texture
Instrumentation and sound design
Emotion, atmosphere, and catchiness
Originality and uniqueness
Overall (how do the elements above interact?)
Composite score