I like the groovy guitar part, although the string pads sound a little inauthentic and cheesy. The piece is a little slow to progress, and has a bit of a choppy arrangement. I think the transition at :58 works well, but I was a little confused when the piece was absent of harmonic content for so long, and the harmonic content only comes back after another fade-out and re-introduction of the drums at 1:32. At 1:40, the panning is a little excessive, and the drums don’t come through the mix so well. The extended pause at 2:40 is awkward, and overall my main problem with the piece is the disjointed structuring. The piece has a lot of great harmonic ideas and funky riffs, but not a great sense of connectivity and flow over time. Still, you’re clearly a talented guitarist, and the rhythmic content and melodies here are enjoyable. Keep at it, ambivalentinquire! :)
Mixing, mastering, and balance
Structure, transitions, phrasing, and variety
Melody, tonality, harmony, and texture
Instrumentation and sound design
Emotion, atmosphere, and catchiness
Originality and uniqueness
Overall (how do the elements above interact?)
Composite score