I like the soothing instruments at the beginning and the eastern-inspired theme. I like the transition into :14, and the beat there was also rather enjoyable. I think the bass might’ve been a little too heavy, though. The song has a strong sense of atmosphere, and the panning on the hi-hats helps the spread of the stereo feel nice and full. Harmonically, there isn’t a lot of variety in this piece, and the brief moments of structural relief (like 1:35 and 3:05) needed more fleshing out and gradual transitions. I like how you slightly shake up the hierarchy of the instruments in the second half, with more emphasis on the airy pads. That said, I don’t think you went quite far enough in providing a proper amount of memorable or dynamic content here, especially in terms of melodies. The strongest element of this piece is probably the mixing. The instruments are quite well-balanced, clear, and loud, but there’s never an excess of compression or limiting. The high-pitched instruments have been properly filtered to avoid any excessive harshness. Even my initial gripe with the bass seems less relevant as the piece goes on. That said, the composition here is underwhelming at times, and the piece feels like more of a background track than something that tells me a story. Otherwise, solid work here. Keep at it, Attackofthetroy! :)
Mixing, mastering, and balance
Structure, transitions, phrasing, and variety
Melody, tonality, harmony, and texture
Instrumentation and sound design
Emotion, atmosphere, and catchiness
Originality and uniqueness
Overall (how do the elements above interact?)
Composite score