I like the bassy atmosphere at the beginning and the pensive synths that fade in shortly thereafter. The pause at :09 interrupted the flow a bit, but you smooth it over pretty well with that airy percussion. The drums at :19 sound a bit gritty and unpolished by contrast with the instrumental tracks, but I’m beginning to like the sense of climax at around :50. The balance at the drop at :59 is a bit strange, with the rhythmic percussion kept solidly in the background and a lot of dynamism in the texture between the synths and increasing prominence of the bass. Despite functioning like an emotional height in the texture, this first drop never really feels like a stable point of release, which I think might’ve been a bit of a mistake. That said, I like the re-intro at 1:23 and the moody vibe of the somewhat celtic-sounding instruments there. You do a great job with the phrasing and sense of ebb and flow throughout this section, which makes the climax into 2:21 feel all the more intense. The second drop has some of the same balance issues as the first one, though, with a very loud bass and jarringly quiet percussion, albeit solid melodic content. The sound overall still feels somewhat contained, but the arrangement of the piece is still effective for delivering a sense of conclusiveness to the piece. The outro seemed a bit short-lived, though, which I think was a missed opportunity to maximize the emotional appeal of the piece. Overall, this piece has solid production, instrumentation, and atmosphere, despite my concerns with some of the details of the composition. Keep at it, LordJabeebus! :)
Mixing, mastering, and balance
Structure, transitions, phrasing, and variety
Melody, tonality, harmony, and texture
Instrumentation and sound design
Emotion, atmosphere, and catchiness
Originality and uniqueness
Overall (how do the elements above interact?)
Composite score