I like the quirky synths at the beginning and the filtering work. There's a synth that cuts off a little suddenly at :18 - I think it would help the flow of the piece if you added some reverb there and let it fade out more gradually. Same thing happens at :25, although by :33 it blends into the rest of the atmosphere better. The progression here is really nice, though - despite the repetitive nature of the harmonic content, the texture has a lot of variety between the angry edge to the bass at 1:25 and the glitchy melodies at 1:50. I suppose I'd like to hear some more structuring here, though. The piece could use a break from the main underlying riff at some point - a more atmospheric bridge or something would add a lot more shape to the piece. I also think the piece is missing some higher frequencies for a lot of the track. Even some hi-hats or something would help fill in that top end a little more. Still, I absolutely love the jazzy melody at 2:42. It's a great way of escalating the sense of mystery and intrigue of the piece towards the end, while at the same time keeping the same mild-mannered tone in place. Solid work overall, YHTFLKC! ^_^