In the Scientific world of Earth, Magus Elgar and Udo Malaaki get an intimate understanding of how science works. Meanwhile, Wizard Quaff and Minister Trike argue on what must be done with the Mirror Cauldron.
Narrator: Ricardo Cabral
Kaylee Fawn: Sandra Espinoza
Udo Malaaki: Christopher Moore
Doctor Graw Horatio: Randy Nazarian
Magus Thaddelor Elgar: William Violenus
Kakkay: Kennedy Phillips
Minister Dable Trike: David Autovino
Wizard Quaff: Kellen Goff
Gaat Ironball: Brian Stivale
Police Officer: Steve Siegal
Walla Team A: Adira Hemmerla, Crystal Saavedra, Tian Wang, Kellen Goff, Randy Nazarian, Kalinda Gray, Mandana Wright, Dylan Levinson, Christopher Moore, John Garay, Kristina Hays
Team B: Valerie Hall, Ben Wetzel, Steve Siegal, Bruce Gale, Haley Copello
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