Drum and bass can be a hard genre to mix for. It's a damn good kit but it's missing a few tones. Layer some more? The sub sonic bass frequencies are drowning the drums a little. I'm not sure how hard you're sidechaining that bass but I'd max it so that the kit pops through the bass. Then I'd probably add some distortion on that low/mid frequency synth you have and try to EQ some more tones out of it. It's a mad low energy bass but even low energy bass lines can shine and punch.
Forget everything I just said and look up "Diplodocus" by Noisia. Try and make this track sound like that track. Note how everything in that track pops. It's all about those finer frequencies my love, sick test <3
Edit: layer more and compress everything, then lower all the channels, control z a bunch of times, twist a bunch of knobs, then compress that, then layer a few more times, then compress it again. Was this helpful?