Muito bom! Por favor, faça uma música com o tema: Piratas
This is a song I made for someone really close to me, one of the two songs for our one year anniversary. It's meant to be a remix of an existing song I wrote for our half a year, Sleepy Destination, just much more slow, with a different beat, and a whole different feel. I hope you enjoy ^^
Muito bom! Por favor, faça uma música com o tema: Piratas
Thank you! I actually have a pirate song I wanted to release for a while, the melody is all done but haven't had the motivation to make it "perfect" if you know what I mean... but mark my words I will finish it and release it one day! :)
Big music. Please make some short music next time.
Ah well, it is meant to be long, that's the stylistic choice to make it slow and calming. Kind of like mixes that are meant to play for hours or loops, same with this, just with more variation
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.