I think a little velocity work on the piano at the beginning, as well as more reverb (take out some of the dry mix) would be a good help. I'm not a huge fan of the kick nor snare that come in after, but I do really like the woodblocks. I'd probably have panned the blocks to the left, maybe get a snare with a little less on the tail end, and give the kick some more punch. I get where you meant to go with it, but it sounds a little odd on the low end.
I like the drop quite a bit, but there's nothing on the low end! You've also got hella headroom up above that you could fill if you liked. But I definitely need a bass in there. Some of that percussion, particularly hats, could be panned to the sides. The left in particular feels neglected.
I'd layer a sub bass into the second drop as well. I like that drop a lot, too, but it's not full. The hats could be dual-panned to the far right and left, which would help make it run.
Good start, man! You've definitely got potential and an air. Keep playing around.