I appreciate that you went for a bit of a different sound with the guitars this time. Perhaps it’s something about the amp? Anyway, I love the climax into :22. The vocals are seriously strong as always. Perhaps the instrumentation changes a tad suddenly at 1:02, but that’s a small detail. I really liked the rhythmic elements and energy of the post-chorus at 1:40, but I think you didn’t quite spit out some of the syllables there (“something” sounds like it got cut off). The instrumentation is a tad wonky, admittedly, but I actually really like the structure. It’s not a long piece, but I feel like you did a lot with the form. I’m hugely impressed that you continue to bang out these fun, energetic, strongly-mastered pieces every 2 weeks, Finn. By all means, keep up the great work!
Mixing, mastering, and balance
Structure, transitions, phrasing, and variety
Melody, tonality, harmony, and texture
Instrumentation and sound design
Emotion, atmosphere, and catchiness
Originality and uniqueness
Overall (how do the above elements interact?)
Composite score