yo! your track has a nice melody and some very interesting fills and transitions. the chords are simple but fun and effective, and the structure was quite tight, which i appreciate a lot!
overall i think the song was missing detail in the mix and instrumentation - the two main sections didn't have enough differentiation and there weren't any underlying harmonic/rhythmic devices behind the kick-chord-snare wombo combo. i think that line in the breakdown should get another turn towards the end before the slowdown. but the killer is the lack of top-end percussion, to me there's a unhelpful lack of momentum as a result of the very straight, plodding percussion. the drum samples are very stock sounding and don't seem to have any extra layering or width to them. would be good to have an alternating stereo clap layer over the snare or something.
the bottom end of the mix is really bloated and i think it's almost entirely the fault of the kick drum. i'd take a multiband comp to it and slam the sub-80Hz on it with a long release time. currently it takes a long time to bottom out and this robs the bass layer of its own energy. the amount and length of reverb on the snare is also kinda bonkers, the sidechained reverb effect is cool in the bridge but it makes the main sections feel too distant. you want the main sections to feel closer than the breakdowns and buildups so that there's an effective release of tension when the drop happens.
anyway that's my take on this track. congrats on making the cut! excited to hear what you come up with in the next round of the nguac doodad :)