== This is an official NGUAC Review ==
Oh geeze, if any song was the emblematic song for "awesome composition, lacking production", this would be it.
BUT like, the composition man. First of all that chord progression is so weird that I almost feel like you're being weird for the sake of being weird, BUT it works so I guess not?? But really, let me just heap praise onto your main vocal line. It's AMAZINGLY catchy. It seriously cracks me up that the topic of your lyrics is writers block, and yet the melody line is so great. I already praised that section of Endowment to the heavens and back for being so amazingly hooky, and this just shows that you're no one trick pony, because you've somehow done it again.
Not only is that hook itself catchy, but you somehow make that bizarre chord progression work so well, even by itself - it's got such a groove to it when you just let it play, like 1:00! I think this is probably my favorite non-lyrical section of the song, it's just so groovy and cool.
Okay, now time for the critical part of the review, and I hate to say it, but this song is just filled with minor mistakes and errors. The way I see this track is that you turned in a Shakespearian sonnet, but literally every word is spelled wrong. The core idea is freaking amazing, but the details really really need work. I would really encourage you to seek out a mentor or teacher that can guide you, but I can list off some of the more obvious problems:
- The stacked vocals at 0:22 just makes me mad because both vocal lines are exceptionally well written, but stacking them on top of each other makes them both worse because they both distract from the other one. One needs to be central, and one needs to be backing.
- The drum kit at 1:05 just clashes so hard with the sound design
- The sax at 1:05 is a great idea but obviously sounds fake and dry. Honestly you may just have to get a sax player to play your sax bits lol, sax VSTs almost always sound lacking.
- The 'piano' rhythm at 2:08 is all quarter notes essentially, it sounds so mechanical
- The mix at 2:25 is really messed up, I didn't even notice there were vocals there until like the third listen
- The trap hats at 1:30 are too dry and stick out
- The glitches are a good idea but they currently don't do all too much to enhance the sound - try making them more complex.
You're rapidly becoming one of my favorite composers to watch out for. Everything you compose is so fascinating and interesting. Lots and lots and lots of details that need work, but the core idea is so compelling that I still ended up giving you a really high score.
(And seriously, how ironic is it that a song about writer's block is one of the most inspired tracks in the compo???)
Mini-scores (not used to calculate final score in any way - just so you know what needs improvement):
Arrangement: 3/4
Composition: 4+/4
Sound Design: 2+/4
Production: 2+/4
Overall: 9.2