== This is an official NGUAC Review ==
Now THIS... THIS is a hard to score track. Like, okay lets just put it out there, the mix is so so bad, I don't know what happened there but it's just not good. It's almost as if half of it got low passed or something, like everything is SO quiet and then there are a few drums that are SO loud??? And also the melodies are totally random.
But I have to say that your chord progressions are almost all really really intriguing and tasty and THAT is the saving grace for this song that prevented it from getting a really low score. I dunno exactly what you did to them but they speak exactly to my deranged sensibilities that love super weird funk chords, so great job there. I seriously can't give this song too low of a score because some of the chord progressions are like the best I've heard in the compo.
Mini-scores (not used to calculate final score in any way - just so you know what needs improvement):
Arrangement: 2/4
Composition: ?????????????????????
Sound Design: 2/4
Production: 1/4
Overall: 7.0