I like the harmonies near the beginning. I still think the drums could be a bit louder - the snare really should be the loudest instrument in the mix at all times. You also could’ve done a lot more with the drums creativity-wise. The melodic content during the first minute or so is pretty strong, but then the transition into the quieter part at 1:08 was a little sudden. I appreciated your attempt to offer some structural relief there, though. I really want you to focus on finding ways of creating variety besides adding and subtracting instruments over time. Phrasing, dynamic contrast, filtering, and automation will also help you smooth over some of these transitions - 2:26 was another particularly rough one. I think you need to slow down the pacing a bit here and work on giving the piece more connectivity. It can be jarring to the listener if the texture is overhauled every 15 seconds. Try to work your way up to changes in the texture with subtle drum fills, crossfading, or filtering. You’ve done a bit of that here, but not nearly enough. I’ve nit-picked a lot at the composition here, but I really enjoyed the mood and melodies here. Keep at it, DreyLand! ;)