== This is an official NGUAC Review ==
Gotta commend you on the really beautiful and atmospheric intro. I feel like I could sit there forever.
I'm not totally sold on the crazy melodies you have going, though; they are okay, but they don't really pull me in or anything, and while they do a good job following the contour of the chords (always a plus) they do feel a bit random.
At first I felt the drop was underwhelming, but eventually I realized that it's mostly underwhelming due to the lack of super loud drums that would really drive the energy in that section. The drop idea is actually pretty fun aside from those issues. =)
Fun stuff - could use some work, but not so bad as is!
Mini-scores (not used to calculate final score in any way - just so you know what needs improvement):
Arrangement: 3/4
Composition: 2+/4
Sound Design: 3/4
Production: 3/4
Overall: 7.6