Low pass intro is interesting, but I'm not sure if it's my speakers, or your mix is distorting badly. Okay, so it's very static-y. Just checked. Also, check the chord resolutions you have. They sound sort of bland and very repetitive. Recommend some basic music theory. The only thing that breathed life into them was the riser! This tells me the chords are not resolving in ways they typically would or should to satisfy the ear.
Everything is just too loud, too reverbed and too over-compressed. Frequencies are muddy as hell. Transitions are not making much sense at all. I can't really tell much else about the quality from the volume levels just red-lining to hell.
Your drums aren't hiding, which is good, but the treble is flat out destroying the bass.
Focus on volume leveling before you do ANYTHING on the master. Compression will kill any mixing decisions you make.
Also, avoid perfect fifths in your chords as they move. It just doesn't sound good when you're trying to do something happy.
Overall, the distortion makes it almost impossible to listen to this track. Go back to it, lower that volume across the board on every track with all your compression and whatever off, and THEN you can think about applying it, once the rest is taken care of. It just destroyed the musicality of your track.