I like the soothing guitar riff at the beginning. The rhythm gets a little frantic at around :13, which kinda sends off the wrong vibe given the mood at the beginning. There are a lot of sudden shifts in mood and pacing here that come across as quite jarring. The piece is also very short, and not truly complete from a structural standpoint. I think you could’ve done a lot more with the instrumentation. If you wanted to make a piece with only guitar and drums, I’d strongly encourage you to at least layer some harmonies on top of the content you have here. You also may want to widen the frequency range of your piece, because right now you’re not really taking advantage of the full spectrum. You’ll also need to vary the energy level and dynamics a lot more. This is a risky sort of minimalism here, and I don’t think it paid off this time. Sorry! You have a good sense of progression and harmony, but overall the composition here is pretty underwhelming. Keep at it, Bichenok. :)