Real fun producing this with you...You band done an amazing job conveying this song to the public and I know its a real step in the right direction concerning your vocals, even though NewGrounds seems to really dislike every time you open gob on here, even you say davis paid you recently quite a lot of money to sing on the monika molise song, and monika was well chuffed, her albums sold well, and I didn't here nothing but positive comments from the grapevine, so you're doing something right at least...What can I say about this piece...maybe a little bit over the top with the quantisation. Your vocals in perfect tune and your voice sounds really through the Rode NT5's.
I also give you an extra nod towards the free gigs playing this song for AA/NA regional meetup and that YMCA gig you did a month ago, Legend and all for charity what can I say I can never say thanks enough especially through the hidden message in this song which extremely relevant for the NA/AA lot! Well done, I pine for a new song like this after you retire this as I know its done its rounds and you want to stay fresh! I do understand fully.
But do remember there will be a load of people on here that might offer constructive criticism, but there is a hell of a lot of trolls that might try to grind you into the ground, remember they ain't worth it and I as usual will see you for work on Saturday, where you can exercise your gills without fear of retribution from the low lifes of the world.