I like the pensive mood at the beginning. The atmosphere is great, even if the synths are a little cliche - they sound like they could be presets from Nexus. The piece is really slow to develop, though, and despite the good use of phrasing with the pads, doesn’t have a strong sense of direction until later in the piece. The piano riff at 1:30 is interesting, although the progression seems a bit arbitrary until the beat at 2:17 gives it a little more of a focused sound. There really isn’t a lot of melodic content here, though, which is one of my main concerns. The texture is much richer by around the 3-minute mark, but the pacing is still very slow and doesn’t facilitate a sense of emotion or drive very well. The piece definitely didn’t need to be almost 10 minutes long. The fade-out ending also came across as a bit lazy. As for the mixing and mastering, I can hear all the instruments clearly throughout, and the panning was a nice touch. Compositionally, this piece is just pretty underwhelming. I’d strongly recommend avoiding as much of this repetition as is possible to maintain coherence, and then incorporating some melodic “refrain” sections to give the piece more shape. Accomplish that, as this’ll be a strong piece. Keep at it, DamJanRI. ;)