Hey, I saw your audio post requesting feedback, so I thought I'd check things out and drop a little critique on you in the process. I find your music rather enjoyable to listen to, so I thought I'd go ahead and become a fan, as well as scout you for the Audio Portal. That puts my butt on the line, so this had better be your own original work, or I'll come back to bite your face off! :P Okay, on to the actual review...
You have a nice mixture of instruments here, and it really gives me that whole 'traversing the arctic expanse' kind of vibe quite well. Very appropriate for the image source provided, and I like how you share your inspiration for each track in this way. I would personally like to hear a bit more from you in the Author Comments, if only a short little blurb, but hey--to each his own.
While most of the instruments are mixed really well, a couple things stand out as being slightly less good to me. First off, there's that tambourine hit. It's a bit too loud and up front in the mix to me, and with it works with tambo, I can see a light jingle bell fitting in even better within my mind's eye. But hey, that's just me. As far as the melodic instruments go, they're all pretty solid, but your main pan flute could use a bit more decay to make the longer notes sound more like they're actually being played. Or just taper off the flute's velocity. Either way.