nice song..
For days i didn't know what to make next. When i heard about the problems in Paris, i thought about what the people there would feel. Then, i knew it. A song that resembles the emotions of the people from France. With a small twist. I want to give these people some kind of 'Hope' or 'kick' which will brighten their hearts.
I wanted some inspirational lines in this song, but i didn't know who had to record them. Then i though of this guy, with his alias 'Ryder', a good friend.
Enjoy this new song from mine. Peace out, let your thoughts be free.
Social links:
Ryder his YouTube channel:
nice song..
It's a fantastic song! However, the genre is not house. Also, why does it have such a low rating? Which asshole did that?
Thanks you!
It's not too bad but it could need some work, try lowering the volume of the crashes so they don't take up the focus and try to get a melody that's in key of the scale that you're using and you could try improving your overall lay out of this song. :)
PS: This dosen't really sound like house though. :(
Not bad :) Although I think this one belongs more in the "Ambient" category than house, Its a nice song. only thing I think's a bit off is the de-tuning on the lead, It makes it sound a bit awkward :/ But otherwise nice work!
I really love this! Not only because I'm in it ;p but also because it has a very nice beat and it's very relaxing to listen to! Really well done!
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.