This is pretty interesting. The composition of this song is not bad. There is a lot of room for variety, especially with the lead melody utilized by the piano. Something I have found to be rare on NG but very effective is the power of transitions. Sticking with one catchy melody does work pretty well, but don't be afraid to mix things up and bring it back to that main melody you want. If you look at it from this perspective, this entire song is based off of four chords. Again, it's not a bad thing, but it creates this repetitive feeling at times. Some samples were used well, and others could have been used better. The piano gets annoying at times because it is so short and sharp. Try softening it a little, maybe add some reverb to give it a more full sound. Some samples did not go together as well as I thought they would. Little things here and there that don't break the song, but are noticeable. Trust me, I have a lot of experience with failing at giving a song that clean sound. I think you have a lot of potential, and good ideas. Hopefully this helps you out even in the slightest. The beauty of NG is that you get feedback from people who essentially struggled through the same things you are experiencing. And I can tell you, I'm still struggling to get to where I wanna be with FL Studio, so don't let the criticism get to you. Keep it up!