I liked the synths and nice, crisp drums, although I believe you've used several of those samples before. Which DAW do you use again? Anyway, I like how you started adding in some atmospheric elements at :18. It seemed to lack some bass tones from what I can discern without headphones, but perhaps that's only the first minute or two of the piece. I really liked the fuller sound you started using around 2:10. That sort of climax is exactly the reason "Moonlit Dream" was so enjoyable IMO. Your sense of harmony is rather good, and I've always admired your mixing abilities. It is repetitive and generally progresses very slowly, but you already know that. I'm excited for the album, but I think that after it you should try to experiment and broaden your horizons a little more, if you know what I mean. I liked how the ending came together in a final climax so well, and the modulation around 5:08 enhanced this coming-together effect. I see you alluded to my distaste for fade-out endings in the description, so I'll say nothing more on the matter. Overall, cool piece, man! Also, I believe you're graduating high school like me this year. May I ask what you're doing after you graduate? You can PM me if you don't want the world to know. ;) Anyway, keep up the good work, RoVeRDude58. ^^