You've managed to create some really nice moods with this one. You managed to get your gear to swagger, through a good part of it, too. But your second drop caught me totally off guard;
classic GM "Polysynth" type sound.
Man, we have got to see what we can to about sorting you out with more versatile Synths for your DAW (still garage band?).
are you running on a PC? I'm hoping so, because there's a free program called Buzz
main site =>
it's basically a sequencer environment, but has literally ( I kid you not ) hundreds of free synths, and effects. now, the websight has been a ghost-town for the last 5 years, or so, but you can still download all the goodies. The only thing is... If a Web Site can be Haunted, like a house, this would be that site. it's just got this -- vibe to it.
Mean-while, I'll see if I can get in touch with some musicians more savvy than me In things Macentosh To see what's good, and what's free.
++ You know, This isn't Fucking Zomboy, but it's better than Two stars, easy. So, Here's what we're gonna do... BAM!