~Per your review request~
Hmm, so it starts out chiptune-y. Very nice composing, too. Now I understand that crash from the second half -- though it sounds much better here. Again, you may want to try Video Game genre.
VSTs like these are where your best mixing comes in. Sounds as if you are much more comfortable composing with them. Excellent work. Only subtracting half a star for the abrupt ending -- although it leads into the second track, I understand.
Now, some things to improve would possibly be to add in the occasional hat and some mod/filtering to your bassline. As is, it's not a bother, but it sounds as if it isn't live within the room, so to speak. It doesn't breathe. I try to look at music as if it were a living being. Let it breathe life and emotion, you know? You may want to experiment with panning different aspects of the track, playing with high or low pass for transitions, etc. Also, your percussion doesn't have to lie straight in the middle of the track. Move it around a bit. Have fun with it!