I like the sense of impending doom this has. Good sense of climax too, although it does progress a little slowly at the beginning. I'm not sure the instruments are the best quality, but you might just need to EQ them a bit more. Also, did you by any chance use Sakura to make this? I think I recognize some of these samples. The drums were a nice touch, though. I like how the strings offer a tense apprehension, and the drums start channeling the drama (which the strings then respond to at :47). I really enjoyed the build-up into 1:25, but I think you could've done more to maximize the drama there. 1:25 sort of sounds like a re-intro in a way, the part after a big crash that eases the tension again after the height of emotion. The height of emotion in this piece is the only thing that's missing IMO. It's a well-structured piece, with some appropriate transitions when necessary. I think you could've done a bit more with the drums to maximize the drama, though. Still, it's a solid piece that kept my attention to the end, although the ending itself was a bit sudden and inconclusive. Perhaps it would make a good loop if you were planning on using it for a videogame. Either way, keep up the good work! ;D