Damn fine, I really liked the feel for this piece. I am sorry I didn't have the time to check out the first version of the submission, so i'll write my review to this as if it were a different song entirely.
I really liked the flow for your song, the percussional aspects were damn fine, they flowed just as well as the song.
Your bass was bordering on overpowering, thats my one concern. I like the volume you have them at now, they really give some neat power, but if you had made them any louder, they would have overpowered everything else!
The song ends a tad too abruptly.
I use congo drums in my song too! I love the congo drums, I would like you to check my song out, as I worked a lot on those damn congo drums (I love them, but so hard to work with).
Overall, a damn fine piece, I really enjoyed it, keep them coming!