Another One
This is another one of those songs that once again proves that people on youtube can make songs sound better than the workers at nintendo.
My rendition of the Princess' Secret Slide in Mario 64.
Another One
This is another one of those songs that once again proves that people on youtube can make songs sound better than the workers at nintendo.
I REMEMBER THIS SONG! great work. this sounds really professional. keep it up. your bound to go far with your musical ability
Wow. I don't remember my music ever being called professional before. Thanks a lot, man! :D
Just so people know, I have not spent more than two months on this one track. No. Disk space is the culprit. Gawd, how I hate my 10 gig drive.
Anyways, thanks again! :)
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.