SIMply Awesome jazZ pieces.
Good Job! :)
This is a small (jazz) piece i wrote last hour... i am still working on it..
SIMply Awesome jazZ pieces.
Good Job! :)
This is some really good jazz...
Not too many songs sound as good as this...are you going to make more? Anyways, 10/10, 5/5, downloaded, and favorited. Nice!
Exellent music has a good groove to it... snazzy... cooool... I love jazz this is great.
very cool
this was really fucking good man. how long have you been playing piano seriously?
i took lessons for classical piano ca. 10 years and then started to train myself in different styles and making electronic music.
i personally don't like this track of mine, it does not sound very smooth IMO ^^
WuSchell goes Jazz
...with succesz! =)
- thank you for the review ;)
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.