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Author Comments

Guitar, Vsts, FL 4 beat. Crying out 4 a vocal. Any takers? Reviews/comments? 112kbps

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Very Yummy!

The beat is really nice, it's got a nice groove. The strings are just a tad heavy, but with all the other strings, it's a nice blend. Some really nice ambient FX, maybe a breakdown of them at one point as a bridge would be cool, but that would ruin the calming feeling this song has, so it would be better to just leave as is, no?

-Just an extremely awesome job, a sure d-load (hasn't happened for a while with me).


-Mind checking my Rock Out audio submission?


Great stuff!

I've been meaning to review some of your work for a long time, but for some reason never got round to it. This song has a nice mellowed out groove. And I like your use of panning on the percussion, and the lush backing, giving it a nice kind of lazy summer day feel. If you ever need a vocalist, im more than happy to help. My msn is in my profile. Keep up the good shit man!!

- Joe M

pitbulljones responds:

ahhh no probs mate, i'm sure i have to review you too. yea panning the percussion and drums is one of oldest techniques when it comes to stereo, just position the drums etc as you'd see em on stage, it's a good way to get stereo spread but in modern music alot of people it feels too spaced. I'll be sure to use you on a track or two man, same as a fair few others. i just need to get my writing boots on then i'll give you all a few tracks to work on.

thanks for your review.


Wow, a level of quality rarely seen around here. I thoroughly enjoyed listening to this track. Really sweeps you away, I read some controversy about the beats, I actually think they're really effective, something I look at as an example of the beat done right in fact. Especially the cymbals at the transitions and the panned shaker interlacing the eighth note hats. KB has a point though, some extra glitchy elements would sound awesome.
The ringing valvy overdrive sound really appeals to me, just on the verge of being disruptive but staying more or less serene.
Excellent pads and strings, don't have a lot of time to elaborate but the bottom line is I'm impressed, I'll definitely listen to your others as well.
Keep up the excellent work man.

pitbulljones responds:

'a level of quality rarely seen around here'.

you've got to be joking right? you have to be. theres loads of fantastic stuff on here, far better than mine. i think if it had a vocal it may be what u said tho XD

'an example of a beat done right'

jesus fucking h christ on a motorbike. me an example of how to do drums right? again you have to be joking. have you listened to some of my other stuff. all this is is taking a bit of time and thinking about how drums work. I'd love to put some glitch in but unless someone is gonna help me out with a tutorial or summat i don't think it's gonna happen.

anyways i'm glad you enjoyed the track, i try to please. and thanks for taking the time to review and listen.


oooh I like I like

your quality here is fantastic. I love that sound in the background, sounds like a saxophone. The guitars where sweet, I liked that halfway distorted one. The clean one was a very good balance to the mix as well. And of course, your drumwork was much better on this one. Ambient, melodic, awesome. Keep up the great work.


pitbulljones responds:

cheers for the review. it's a marked improvement production wise over grace i must agree. there aint no sax instrument in this tune, there's the random sync synth that may be what you're thinking but no sax. yea i used amplitude for the guitar, slammed in a clean signal and treated with that. very rarely use my fx pedal nowadays. theres a total of three guitars goin here if im correct, the clean riff, the distorted pick and a reversed chord too. another good comment on the drums, it's one thing i still need to improve on alot though. thanks again.


Again, nice track. Sorry it took me so long to review this though.

I'm happy your drums sound better! Everything goes well together in this song. Mellow, evolving pads in the beggining are awesome. The melody and all the sounds together at 2:10 sound freakin' awesome. You know what we should do? Collab, I could do everything but guitar? How does that sound. That would be pretty sweet, anyways.

Thanks for your vote, Watercolour! You voted 5 for Flounder, raising its score from 3.57 to 3.75.

pitbulljones responds:

thankyou mate for reviewing my track. im flattered u enjoyed the track and appreiciate my drum work, i took my time on these and it seems to be showing. i'd gladly collab mate, anytime, just give me a ring and i'll come a running with my guitar in hand and weird synths too.

thanks for the 5.

Credits & Info

4.86 / 5.00

Aug 18, 2006
7:16 PM EDT
File Info
3.8 MB
4 min 45 sec

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