fresh relax
Just a simple song.
fresh relax
Sound quality is low
So sound quality seemed low and seems like there needs to be something added to this it was good but needs a kick of vibe or somethinhg, just a nice kick that will push it to the next point.
needs to be something added to this it was good but needs a kick of vibe.
Now that is what I call music.
I suppose it would fit perfectly into a creepily themed flash movie - but just for listening without animation it's a bit slow. Well, keep up the great work!
OOOO submarine!
Hey this is nice. If i could id use it in my submarine traks but i have finished all of the versions i planned to do. This is a very eerie sounding track that is brilliant
good job
haha, thaks for hte review^_^
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.