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Windaigo (2006 Mix)

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Author Comments

took like an hour remixing this, its not so bad, i tink its better than the original =P

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i listen to this wile writing my reports and the book i hope to get published soon.

Dj-Fanta5t1c responds:

haha nice man. this is a very old song

Blade it!

Nice bladin' synth! I like that sort of Acid! But melody is well...er could be better because during the whole song it goes a little bit monotone.

Bassdrum & Offbeat sounds good! Clap and Highets could are have much more reeverb. A tip: Use a ride. It sounds like a highet but it's much quieter. Put ride at the same point as the bassdrum! It would sound cooler!

I like that song! Nice work! Keep it up! Let's collab?


Dj-Fanta5t1c responds:

thanks man heh, taht blader took me such a lon time to configure.

thanks for likeing teh song ^_^
that collab sounds good too =) im pretty bored at my dads


I have my feet on the subwoofer and I could tell oyu it feels awsome!

anyways this song is great I really liked it.

liked what you did with it kept the beat and you made it always flow also liked how you kept on changing all the time.

Very good!

Dj-Fanta5t1c responds:

hehehe thx, i wanted a really good fast techno beat. so i made it ^_^ i htink future mixes will be much more amzazing. thx for the review ^_^

Credits & Info

Waiting for 1 more vote

Jul 27, 2006
7:52 AM EDT
File Info
2.4 MB
2 min 4 sec

Licensing Terms

Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.