i hope you realize that this isint a real piano
the Second Zone in Sonic 2 played on the piano
i hope you realize that this isint a real piano
Sounds familiar
I can almost swear I downloaded this same song from a different site, weird. anyway, you have some mad piano skills, and I hope that I will someday be as good as you are, this is truly amazing, if I hadn't already downloaded it from that other place, I would have downloaded it before writing this.
but..this sounds alot like a duet
i love how you did this track on piano
you have mad piano skills, dude.
ignore BlueGasMask. this sounds real, and i can tell that it was done on an electric keyboard. you did slip a few times. hardly noticable at all.
BTW, BlueGasMask... i'm not blamming you, i'm just going to point out that at 0:15 and 0:36 he stumbles a bit over the keys. it's really tough to catch, but it's an obvious pointer that this is real. also, the volume in some of the lower keys falls a few times, meaning that he didnt hit the keys as hard.
also, with enough practice, a difficult song like this can be played. it might seem like someone would need three hands to play this, but it's just expertly done switches in the chords.
That was made from a midi.
You would need 3 hands to do this. The sound is that of a usual fake piano, more towards that of FL Keys.
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.