Fucking cool. Yeah, don't hide solos, in reverb, I only do it because It's like soloing with big pool noodles and I suck at them...you, do not. hahahaha.
Whatever man, cool shit, and I'm glad you are submitting more. 5 up!
as the title says.
how do you rock?
leave me some comments and i'll check out your stuff too.
Fucking cool. Yeah, don't hide solos, in reverb, I only do it because It's like soloing with big pool noodles and I suck at them...you, do not. hahahaha.
Whatever man, cool shit, and I'm glad you are submitting more. 5 up!
dooood, wtf don't cover up your solo with reverb. thats a noob thing to doo. your much better than that. Makes it hard to hear the flashy finger work. Everything sounded good, i likes it.
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.