The atmosphere is great, the darkness is great, and the bass tones.... oh those bass tones. Very subtle, yet very effective! Love the feel! Good work.
Nothing like a good holiday (Veteran's Day) to remind us of The Loss that Never Goes Away, neither the ones inflicted upon us nor the ones we inflicted upon them.
Original: Combat (2011)
The atmosphere is great, the darkness is great, and the bass tones.... oh those bass tones. Very subtle, yet very effective! Love the feel! Good work.
Thank you very much for your time and your review. This one is of particular emotional significance to me. Autobiographical, if you will.
It's really nice.^^
I like the ambientish style and it's darkness.
Thanks for the time and response. Sometimes I wonder about how many people like the darker works.
Very good, i like the scary atmosphere :)
Thank you for the time and response. I'm glad you enjoyed.
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.