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TTCN - 04: Reason in inferno.

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04> Reason in Inferno.

"Lone" "I know you did not forget me"
"Lone" "We were once brothers"
*chronicle of Aenimcea*

The day Lone had dissapeared from the face of planet Edin as thousands of Denimus entered its orbit, in reunion he instantly knew his true heritage..
He had been lucky to have appeared on Edin as a child, for his true form included a gemini.. as wasn't uncommon in the creation of roamers.
A being burning with the fire that had eluded Lone keeping him pure, a being determined to force back the Denimus perhaps more fierce than even Ega..
His name was Aenimcea, and regardless of his nature and knowing Lone would try to stop him.. he was determined definitely..to finish Ega's strife; regain his soul and sever the boundaries of time.
And took Lone's place that fateful day, ejected in Hura, Ironically Edin's twin planet.

Soon he had learned of the Denimus existence in Edin, and knew he needed the help of one who had been hidden by Lone himself.*

*TTC-Underworld tells of Lone's assistance in nebuchadnezzars escape, this was part of the celestial rebellion after the fall of the sages worship (by eluiscers death in TTC-Domus). The gods had returned and the highest god "An ruerim" took stance against the Denimus, having traced them to Edin..
However the god of doors and portals Janus sided with the Denimus and impersonated An ruerims command to destroy him from within Starting with the deaths of Nebuchadnezzar and An ruerim himself; the rebellion was born and fought on Edin soil, joined by Anis grav, Esys and Sasariel. Eventually partially put down through immense effort by An ruerim's second; Ezegiel, celestial high commander; Uriël boriël, Lone and Ezegiels daughter Hecariël.
Not even halfway the war Lone had managed to succeed in a ploy to trap Janus within a powerful mirror dimension. Anis grav usurped power and went on a rampage destroying Nearly all of Edin trying to find Janus."

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this is definitely a cool track
nice work

Calamaistr responds:

It was meant as one ^^
Thanks for the kind words!

Credits & Info

Waiting for 4 more votes

Nov 14, 2013
2:34 PM EST
File Info
4.7 MB
2 min 4 sec

Licensing Terms

Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.