I like the relaxed mood at the beginning. I like the progression, even if the pace is a bit slow. The vocals at :50 sound a bit dry, and also don’t blend too well together. I’d suggest incorporating more reverb, perhaps changing where you recorded the piece accordingly if possible. The hard-hitting sections (1:23, 2:27, etc.) sound cool, but I think the vocals still need a little help there to sound as full and expansive as possible. I like the transition at 3:57. The piece could use a bit more variety on the hard-hitting section the last time around - it needs more of a sense of climax towards the end beyond imitation of the first couple of choruses. The instrumentals also don’t have a ton of melodic content or variation throughout the piece. I thought you did a good job of changing up the energy levels and dynamics, though. Overall, it’s a pretty cool track. I’m not familiar with exactly what you used to produce this piece equipment-wise, but if there’s any way you could add some reverb, equalization or panning, and chorus effects to this piece, I think that would help enhance the sound design a lot. Keep at it, man. ;)