ShadowMan_Kage - Loz & MM Songs
First Impression; "This has some promise."
Ok, I'm generally a harsh reviewer, but I wouldn't something I believed to be beyond redemption.
There's some points I'd like to point out, in your first song, there was this dark synth that really didn't fit with your mellow mood.
Your second song in there, had just the chords and never actually began with the melodic line.
I think you should work on your transtitons.
As it's overall not a "medley" but just alot of songs put together with some pauses.
I hope you make these from scratch, as that's what would give you the most experience from it.
You have alot of songs in this thing.
Also; You should obtain some better soundfonts/samples, and learn a bit more about sound-production.
I see some promise in you, but you should begin making more originals, and really just get the feel of composing.
Overall; A weak 7 because of the production level.
See some of my audio, and leave a review :)
Always apprieciate it.
For questions, PM me :)