Pretty much the same here applies to what i said about your final version of this song.
But this time the hi-hats too were a bit loud. Hmm, i'm not a pro and you don't have to take me seriously but i just want to give you a little advice, something that i think is good to know.
About volume levels : when you have an instrument that plays rapidly and constantly, for exemple your cymbals, it's best to have a lower volume level. Because it's playing constantly the listener's ears will pick it up.
And for sounds that only play once in a while, like bells for exemple or something else that indicates a change in the song, it's best to have it a little louder so that it is heard clearly.
I hope i didn't waste your time with this little explanation. If i did well sorry.
Oh yeah and this time the song ended abruptly, i know this is an earlier version.