An Adequate Remix.
Overall a nice tune, but where's the percussion?
By the way, it is "Transcending History".
Trancending History...think i spelled that right haha
An Adequate Remix.
Overall a nice tune, but where's the percussion?
By the way, it is "Transcending History".
Really cool
You did a great job on this song could you try some soul calibur 3 songs plz ^^
This account is basically dead. I check back every now and then.
i love that game! i use to play it all the time like 2 years ago.. nice transition between the game and this song. i know how hard it is to take a song and try to make it sound similar to another song. you did a great job
Thanks a lot bro... you give some good constructive feedback. Really man. Thanks again
I love this game
Very awesome. You did capture the music from the game. Keep it up.(oh, yeah. you did spell TRANSCENDING wrong =P)
oh well it happens...thanks for the review man
Nice, nice
:O Very very good. It wasent hardcore enough :-( but it was good. I liked it alot.:)
We shall see what happens man...Remember that I am leaving after I finish our certain project man...dun say nothing to anyone cept me or alyk
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.