awesome tune!
an older ideea made in a friend's studio just for fun
awesome tune!
I feel like going on a chill adventure with friends when listening to this
Thanks for review. I hope you'll enjoy the chill adventure :)
This song is awesome, but when I heard it, my first thoght was: elevator music!
But anyway, great job.
elevator music... like, is giving a face lifting, makes you smile ;)
thanx for review
mellow and clean
great track man, well done
thanx for review. i put the older version,very diferent,and another thing,made for a theater play,if you want check out
make's u forget all your trouble and sit back and relax :P
u did a good job making this one , altough u hear a bit burning tune in it.
As i said , very relaxing , cool , and happy!
thanx.i think i should put the older version,too.well my tunes are longer but i cut to smaller versions to fit in the limit of this site.i hope soon i will have my own website so i will put complete versions
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.