sounds real good. where you get the chip-tune files at?
I wrote this thinking of using it in a game, but in the end I decided on something else, so I'm uploading it here instead! Rate and Comment Please! :D
sounds real good. where you get the chip-tune files at?
Thanks! And to answer your question, I'm sorry but I don't quite know what you mean. I don't make them the traditional way (With a music tracker), I write them out like scores and play them back using special VST in finale. But if you're looking for the VST instruments I use to program the sounds, I use this really nice one called "Famisynth-II" Sorry if I didn't answer your question correctly ^^'
Aww I love it o.o
Thanks! :D
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.