Very catchy!
This song was great! I loved the opening to it. It's pretty soothing actually. As the song went on the melody never really changed. It did for awhile but then it went right back to the opening melody. I like this song but it did get repetitive after awhile. I alos don't like the title. To me the title "Mango" really doesn't fit this song or make any sense. I really didn't like how it ended so abruptly. The song was going as usual and then boom it stopped! I guess some effort was put into this but from how short it is I dont think you put your whole heart and soul into this like every Audio artist should do. Over all this is a pretty decent Audio Track. It's catchy and has a nice beat. The length and the melody needs improvement. Just make your next one a little bit longer and have more then one melody going on! You did a pretty good job makeing this Audio Track. Keep up the good work! 3/5