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Author Comments

My older stuff as userall, but i like the soft synths and style on here. enjoy

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Pretty melow...

Sounds like my friend's song, "A walk in the ghetto"; Bunch a tin cans sounds, weirdo percussion... It has no rhythm it's so bland. Maybe if you add lots of good synths this could be an okay song. Try harder next time.

FoxTechno responds:

Theres a problem with the bit rate trying to get into mp3 format, makes the beat sound very wierd, this is old music im uploading on here,

If you like cheak out my very new tunes on acidplanet.com. or myspace.

Anyway thanks for the review.


mmmmmmm......sounds like some acid house to me. Great job by the way! Also, im a little curious, was this loops based? fivified!

FoxTechno responds:

Thanks for the 9. I think its a bit too mellow for acid, any way this is very old song now, 5 years ago,

Theres a problem with the bit rate, when transfering the song into mp3, so its not soposed to be fivified, it made the beat sound wierd.

Any way thanks Fox Techno.

Credits & Info

Waiting for 3 more votes

Jun 23, 2006
3:35 PM EDT
File Info
3.2 MB
4 min 42 sec

Licensing Terms

Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.