It's a tad slow, but OK.
Okay everyone this is the real battle song..Its not mispelled this time... ;P
It's a tad slow, but OK.
Hey ace9969
ff7 was the best, but ff9 is deeply in its league! They both rock!!!!!!
It kinda sounds like it takes place in a desert the way you composed this, still awesome though.
Brings back memories man
Final Fantasy 7 the best of the Final Fantasies(not only because of the gameplay but because of the music!)So thanks for putting this on here man.
lol sounds preety cool
lol i go around the audio portal to find some good old songs from the great gameing age
this one i liked how it sounded
Thanks bro for the review...I hope i get my program running again so that i can put more on!!
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.