Oh, thats epic rave tonight!
supposed to be a remix, but totally NOT! Reviews! :D
Oh, thats epic rave tonight!
Amazing. Simply amazing.
I would swear I've heard this somewhere before though..
It loops perfectly, It has that amazing feeling of depth to it, the synths are orgasmic, 5'd.
How do you do it?
Man, we DO need to collab, i'll learn so much my brain will explode, oh and my fingers too. :P
Its Actually!
Supposed to be a remix of my song White Curve Lounge. Anyways... ITS GREAT! Woojness!
-DJ Korrupt-
very good
i've always admired the arp feel of your music. I can’t simulate this sound in my own work. I get a feeling like I’m in a night club. I think you should boost the bass a bit. Peace syntrus out (0_0) Ps hit me back
(Edited for clarity by Syntrus in 2022)
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.